Wednesday, August 29, 2007


CNMG's Golda Lee is by far one of the prettiest women on tv. And she looks approachable. But Golda have you sent your stylist on leave? Your recent appearances have not looked professionally put together at all. Those inner blouses you wear with your jackets look like tops you were hoping to wear to a party after the news, and you decided to just throw a jacket over them. Makes you look sloppy.
Oh and Golda, ask your bosses to send you to someone who can tell you what colours are right for you. It seems you have some yellow in your skin tone, so recently when you wore that bright yellow jacket, you looked like you had been dipped in a watery curry sauce before you went on air. Would have been perfect for a cooking segment, but not for national news.

And your competitor at TV6 Samantha John goes a little overboard sometimes with the jewellery; on Tuesday night she wore a shimmery chandelier necklace with matching earrings and an animal print inner blouse. While her colleague Cherise D'Abadie went to the other extreme and perfected the old school marm look with the high neck on her inner piece, minus the jewellery.

Well WIN TV's Bobbie Jeffrey insists on using light blue eye shadow, even with a green jacket!
And CNC's Shelly Dass finally got the point and lightened up on her black eye liner and shadow. It's probably OK for a story about Halloween, but on a day to day basis it just looks like you had a good cry before the news began.

WIN TV's Deborah Maillard needs to get a stylist. Perhaps it's difficult to get someome else out of bed for your early morning show to give you a few tips, but the end result is that you always look like you rolled out of bed late and didn't bother to brush your hair or iron your shirt.
And Keisha David of TV6 you are walking that very fine line between professional and sloppy for your morning show as well. Neaten things up a bit and vary the wardrobe. Don't you have at least one light coloured jacket? You seem to be blending in with the background of early morning Port of Spain. And why do you need that clipboard for a five minute segment? You look like a waitress rather than a reporter; great if you are offering breakfast to your respondents. Otherwise you need to memorize your question.