Saturday, February 23, 2008


Sasha Mohammed of TV6, we saw the final piece of your three-part story on Friday at 7pm on the alleged rape case against St Vincent Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves.
We understand you flew to St Vincent earlier in the week, and the first piece ran at 10pm on Wednesday (Did anyone see it? Why didn't your producer just hold it until 7pm Thursday?).
But we waited and waited for your sit down interview with Dr Gonsalves on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the man at the centre of the controversy, the man whom we expect you called before you even left Trinidad to set up a one on one interview.

But alas, it was not to be. There was rehashing of the dead-in-the- water rape issue, and no interview with Dr Gonsalves to spice it up.
So why did you tout the piece as having new information and a new perspective on the issue?