Sasha, Sasha, Sasha.
We don't even know what to call this one, in an attempt to address YOUR attempt to tell your audience about the CJ issue at 7pm on TV6.
First of all, we don't understand why your producer chose to lead with that story since there was nothing new to be added besides the fact that the President had received the report.
Also, your competitors led with the more recent news that three criminals had been shot dead by police following a daring robbery.
Then Cherise D'Abadie introduced you with the split screen, you again raised some questions.
Why did you look as if that was a last minute decision? The green screen graphic did not look right, your inner piece and the jacket looked as if they were thrown on in a hurry.
Then your report (as mentioned) added nothing to what Darren Bahaw had already scooped you with in the Express. You had some very distracting graphics in your story - blue and red at the bottom of the screen, and a very fine printed white graphic box on the right side of the screen. The vision-impaired must have been silently cursing you.
And to top it all off at the end of your story, the director punches you up, you give a little close off of the story and toss back to Cherise. But someone forgot to tell you before you went on the set to stand absolutely still until the director takes the single shot of the presenter, or you would end up on the air asking whether you should leave the set. Oops! That's exactly what we saw! Steups!
In the end the entire thing looked sloppy.
Next time your people get the grand idea to throw you on the set, remind them that practice makes perfect. No harm in practising the sequence when no one is looking.
You lose credibility when your viewers think you are an amateur, when in fact you should give the impression (even if not correct) that you know exactly what you are doing.