Wednesday, March 4, 2009


That situation with the rumour about a container filled with children being found at the port would be serious if it wasn't so funny.
So why would Red 97, 94.1, and CNC 3 even mention that rumour, even to say they are checking it out, before actually confirming or debunking the information?
You added fuel to the wild speculation, raised and subsequently dashed the hopes of every parent with a missing child, and drove dread and fear into the hearts of all parents who may have believed this rumour was true.
So how did your Heads of News or news producers show any responsibility to the community by broadcasting that rumour?
And what's to stop the hoaxer from trying to plant another one, even more outrageous than this? Maybe next time we'll hear that the police are investigating reports that the Prime Minister was shot on the way to meeting President Obama? Or that party-loving Pres. George collapsed during one of his famous soirees?
Where will it end?

What's your take on how certain media houses handled this "story"?