Thursday, November 8, 2007


Media Watch was surprised to see that Sasha Mohammed and Charlene Stuart were missing in action at the swearing in ceremony at President's House (kudos C for using Golda and Hema, faces we've come to know and trust during the election campaign.)
So powers that be at TV6, how come Bobbi was thrust into the position of presenter/reporter on this auspicious occasion (and at the PM's swearing in) over her more experienced colleagues? By her own admission on Wednesday at Woodford Square, Bobbi entered the media just a few months before the elections.

Well you had several alternatives:
Option #1. Sasha Mohammed. She's been spewing political stories, sometimes three per night, for the last year, but she's noticeably absent.
Option #2. Charlene Stuart. She has been covering the PNM campaign for the elections, as well as we vaguely remember hearing her voice on some of those post cabinet stories. She was noticeably absent.
Option #3. Keisha David. She was the familiar face on the COP's campaign trail. She was noticeably absent.

Bobbi, it's not that we think you're not good at what you do.
It's just that these events require more than just the average joe, and you do not complement Andy, who is a veteran with a wealth of knowledge. For example, at one point today Andy made reference to recent political history, and for a quick two seconds your expression gave away the fact that you had no clue what he was talking about. But you recovered quickly by staying silent then changing the subject.

TV6 your presenters need to build credibility. People the world over turn on their television sets to see people whom they have come to trust. By the way, the only time we can remember seeing your two female news presenters anywhere without teleprompters in front of them is on the streets for Carnival. Fabian we vaguely remember you doing a stand up with a lap top computer, and Bobbi your most memorable moment outside of TV6's Extra was the blue eyeshadow for every outfit on the set of WIN TV.

And CNMG, you too! Where has Curtis Williams disappeared to? He has also been the mainstay in the PNM election campaign, but you leave him out of the swearing in ceremony? Steups!

And CNC 3, once again where is Sampson Nanton, who built a reputation at TV6 as a good live presenter?

Credibility! Credibility! Credibility!

Well let's see who these newsroom producers who have been playing musical chairs with their reporters will choose to cover the cabinet retreat at Salybia.