Tuesday, January 22, 2008


So. TV6's Fabian Pierre tosses to Woodford Square where KMC is performing in the B Mobile carnival concert series.
So we think, great no Kristy today.
KMC is on the stage, but the man who is doing the main part of the performance is not even in the shot, and the camera seems to be locked in place.
Then the cameraman figures out he is live on air and starts wildly trying to focus his camera, and we eventually get a shot of Kristy standing near the cameraman. He proceeds to try to fix his focus on her.
Then the director goes back to Fabian in studio looking a bit peeved and he cues a short break.
SO. Who cued the live shot in the first place?
This from the station that is supposed to be giving us all things Carnival?
Well CNMG already beat you to that.