Saturday, November 3, 2007


The final rallies from all the political parties had some hilarious moments.

All the television stations went live at some point. IETV - COP, CNC 3 - UNC (taking feed from TV6), NCC - PNM (feed from CNMG), TV6 - UNC, CNMG - PNM, Gayelle - UNC (feed from TV6), IBN - COP (feed from IETV), WIN TV - UNC, Synergy - PNM (feed from CNMG).
IBN run a ticker apologising for the poor video quality coming from live feed (from IETV).

At one point Kamla Persad Bissessar started singing along with Tracy Chapman's "Revolution". No clue why the audio man did not cut her off.

There was lots of entertainment, and most of the stations attempted to go live to their reporters at the various rallies. CNMG had Curtis Williams and Charlene Ramdhanie anchoring their broadcast at the PNM rally (and later we heard they may be in some hot water with the COP's lawyers).
TV6 had reporters on the ground - Keisha David at the COP rally, Sasha Mohammed at UNC and Charlene Stuart at PNM.
Synergy TV also had a "correspondent", appropriately dressed in strappy top and flowing hair perhaps ro appeal to their youth audience; she was interviewing performers as they left the stage.
Her questions devoid of any serious thought. She asked one young woman "How do your friends and family feel about the election 2007?". And she told the same young lady that so many overseas based performers are coming down to support the youth of the nation, "How do you feel about that?" Was she taking pointers from Simone?