Sunday, May 18, 2008


Kudos from this reader PW to TV6, but some advice for Samuel McKnight at CNC3.

"Thank you TV6 for blessing our living rooms and our eyes with Bobby Hicks again. Bobby read the 7:00PM news on Saturday.
Two nights in a row of Ms. Hicks, that could well make up for the time you pissed me off TV6. Thank you.

"Now to Samuel McKnight over at CNC3 who did a story on Trade Unionist Michael Annissette. Samuel why don't you tax your brain to some symbolic writing. You know writing to images, not just
pictures, but images in general.

"In that story the cameraman zeroed in on a fist carved from wood on the table in front of Annissette and Samuel did it not once dawn on you to make full use of that image to highlight the power, force, strength and all the other possible attributes it must
represent to help you describe Annisette's intentions, what he is best known for and what he claims to stand for? Stupes!

"Instead you subject your audience to a voiced VSVSVS. Your story was bland but had the potential to be creative. Annisette is a colourful creature you should have done better with that story Samuel."