Friday, May 2, 2008


Here's a comment on our post on mentorship.

"What a commendable move by Peter Richards to have a mentorship programme.
But some Senior reporters who missed the boat need mentors as well and not young reporters alone, why not have the programme for reporters in general. Especially those very tired underpaid Senior Reporters that need a reason to go on.
And can Peter later extend this programme to frequent refresher courses for Senior Reporters?

"If the mentoring works out it would be a good move because reporters select their own mentors anyway, just that they are over seas based journalists/reporters in CNN, the BBC and similar.
The draw back to that is that reporters end up copying approaches, styles and skills without understanding why they do what they do and without understanding in some cases how they know what they know.
So way to go Peter.

"By the way Peter, can you address the seriousness of the career life of journalists being shortened because the business men that own media houses find it strategic to spit seniors out and employ young reporters who do not value the profession as much, just so they could cut cost by paying them much less.
