Tuesday, February 5, 2008


We'll ask again because it seems this question is lost on the powers that be.
Why does the TV6 lunchtime news ALWAYS begin with a murder?
It's Carnival Monday, there's Dimanche Gras results, J'Ouvert results, bands about to cross judging points, and your producer decides to start with two women fighting on the promenade and several murders?
Then they went to a story about Jack Warner scolding the National Security Minister for something or other.

Finally there was a story about J'Ouvert results and happenings, with a soundbite from the Police Commissioner earlier in the day saying that Carnival had been crime-free, and that there had been no incidents of violence.
So the producer of the show did not check that script against the lead story or the stories after that??
There was no video from Dimanche Gras - which was more than 12 hours prior to the newscast - just a copy story relaying who won. Steups!

There was video out of Tobago with J'Ouvert celebrations, but come on, Elizabeth Williams-Allard needs some pointers on how to write to pictures! She spoke about the tourists, we never saw them, she spoke about the Nema emergency station, we saw it at the end of the script, she spoke about police searching vehicles along the Claude Noel Highway, we never saw that. Then we could not see the faces of the two men she interviewed because they were not facing the sun, and their eyes were covered.

Finally at the end of the newscast, Fabian Pierre cued some video of the J'Ouvert celebrations, but we saw people just walking through the streets of Port of Spain with no music in the background and we heard Charlene Stuart off camera asking "They can hear me? Is it ok? Deborah check your mic."
Seems like someone jumped up at 12:28 with the brilliant idea to show some video at the end of the newscast and pushed in any tape they could get their hands on!
Well that's what you get when you don't plan!

And BTW, by our calculation, your Carnival coverage in the lunchtime news was just about 9 minutes out of an entire 30 minutes.
You think that's good enough for the station that is also touting itself as the Carnival station?

Your newscast could have started with a live shot of one of your more experienced reporters standing at one of the judging points giving us a tease of what was to come, name some of the bands that would cross that point, you could have given us a wide shot of the crowd gathering, anything to show that Port of Spain was alive with Carnival.
Then the reporter should have tossed back to Fabian who could have either gone on with the Dimanche Gras and J'Ouvert results, then he could have said 'We'll come back to more Carnival news in a moment..." and move on to the killings, or after the toss to him, he could have said "We'll get back to more Carnival news in a moment, but first we want to tell you about several shootings in the last few hours....".
It just takes some creativity and planning.