Tuesday, February 5, 2008


So what was up with CNMG and CNC 3? Why no live shots of J'Ouvert? CNMG has been touting itself as the station for Carnival 2k8, but we'll get to that.

TV6 had several lulls in the J'Ouvert celebrations; they lost the signal at least twice, then sometime between 7 and 8 there were long periods when we saw music videos and lots of commercials and promos. So where was the plan B for those eventualities? So no one sat down and thought of what should come on the screen if there was a lull in J'Ouvert activities? No pre-recorded pieces on how the J'Ouvert bands are put together? What about a background piece on some of the kings and queens? What about a pre-recorded piece on the history of J'Ouvert?
This is what the producer of the show should have been planning all along.

And by the way TV6, even during your early news updates, we did not get any word on who won the Calypso Monarch title, or who won the title of King and Queen of Carnival. It seemed as if Dimanche Gras had never taken place. We only got that information hours later in the newscast at noon, and then it was still just a copy story, not a single frame of video from the Savannah 12 hours before.