Thursday, February 14, 2008


Desha Rambhajan of C News, in your story of the UNC-A's tour of crime-affected areas in Laventille on Tuesday evening, you pointed to a picture in the Express on Monday where the Prime Minister was shaking hands with a known gang member.
We know you are new to this business and your institutional memory may not have much depth, but a simple search of your company's archives or even a question to your seniors in the newsroom would have told you that Sadiq Baksh was also courting gangs some years ago for the UNC.

BTW, why did you end your story with that shot of an abandoned building when you said the opposition is trying to offer people hope? Wouldn't it have been better to show the UNC-A reps talking to the people they want to offer this hope to?

And your on-camera appearance needs some work. Why stand with your left hand behind your back? Were you trying to hide something? Well you looked like a schoolgirl on punishment.