Thursday, September 6, 2007


C's power team is back...Charlene Ramdhanie rejoined Golda Lee and Naette is no longer flying solo. But seeing them all again just made Media Watch wonder for the millionth time about the need for a double anchor in a 1/2 hour newscast...especially when these young ladies are the ones voicing up most of the day's stories.
Does not make much sense at all.

And while on the topic of C, why did the file footage about the
2-year-old who drowned consist of Mark Bassant's stand up from last night? And why did Robert Dumas keep putting the source of his information at the end of the sentence? Robert, in broadcast always put the attribution first. "Jack Warner says he will not give up" not "He will not give up, says Jack Warner."

Also tell your set designer that the huge screen behind you, yeah that same one, it overpowers you and is distracting. Return to the original concept. Worked better.