Monday, October 8, 2007


Media Watch has been reading the dailies, weeklies and all and sundry newspapers and finds it truly disturbing that those touted to be the best often go to print with so many mistakes.
This is an open letter to Keith Smith of the Sunday Express.
On pages three, four and five of the paper dated October 7th there are numerous typographical errors. Who is checking and double checking to make sure everything is OK?
Anna Ramdass, page 3 - "...who will who be contesting the election...'; "...are will now be contesting electoral seats."
Kristy Ramnarine, page 3 - "...lightning flashed and thundered rolled..."; " shelter the rain under the various tents...".
Richard Charan, page 4 - "...placed the blame on the death on the sugar industry at Panday feet,...".
page 5 - "...which Panday promised to reveal tomorrow at the rally..."(the rally was Sunday).
And last but not least, Juhel Browne's page three story where he is recapping the Prime Minister's speech. He says "...People's National Movement (PNM) supporters who appeared to fill Woodford Square,...". Juhel it's either they filled the square or they didn't.